الأربعاء، 26 مارس 2014


Superstition are typically seen as inconsequential creations of irrational minds. Nevertheless ,many  people  rely on superstition thoughts and practices in their daily routine life in order to gain good luck. To date, little is known about the consequences and potential benifits of such superstitions. My research aims to identify the underlying of superstition and its psychological mechanism explaining why some smart people believe  in such weird things and how deos superstition improves performance.
Table of Contents
a.     The definition of superstition
b.     A list of some famous american superstitions
c.      The superstitious person
d.     Superstition and coincidence
e.      Growing up superstitious
f.       Superstition and culture
g.     Superstiton and religion
h.     Superstion and sport
i.       Superstition and education
j.       How does superstition improves performance ?
k.     Why do people believe weird things ?
l.       expectant mothers take superstition seriously
m.  is superstition in the US abnormal irrationalor neither ?
n.     conclusion
o.     references
To understand my research, the reader need to have a background about some american superstitions , also to read about the psychology of superstion and how does it work, and how do americans deal with it.
My research question came from a discussion between me and my friends about moroccan superstition, one of my friend said that we have such superstitions because we are a primitive culture, if we were a civilized culture like America we would not have it.  I told him that America has superstitions too and it is a part of their culture and it is interpreted psychologically ,but he did not get conveinced. So i took the challenge to show him that he is totally wrong . Beside this reason, my intersts have been always about cultures and traditions,and now i get the opportunity to work on it profoundly.
So far, i found that superstition is present in the US , we can touch it in many areas in sport , education, religion..and so on. Also i found a book talking about  the psychology of superstition, how do superstitious people think ?  superstition and coincidence, what factors that make people think and believe in superstition.
There are many questions that are guiding my research one of them are :
How do americans deal with superstition ?
What is the psychology of superstition ?
Does it exist in all the areas of americans life ?
Description of proposed research
I am planing to answer my questions by using books, articles,and websites as well. For the method, i am thinking of using analysis of previous research, questionnaires and maybe some interviews with american people.
List of sources
So far i find these references :
Stuart Vyse « Believing in Magic the Psychology of Superstition» 1997
Michael Shermer « Why People Believe Weird Things » 1997/2002
John O. west « Mexican-American Folklore » 1988
Harry Collis « «101 American Superstition » 1998
Lysannn Damisch,Barbara Stoberock, and Thomas Mussweiler  « Keep Your Fingers Crossed ! How Superstition Improves Performance » 2010

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